ICT Security 2019

Jezik: English

IT i Tehnologija
ICT Security 2019 is 5th international conference organized by Center for Economic Research Belgrade and is one of the most important events of its type in the region.

The event closely follows ICT security trends and keeps up with the latest developments, threats, methodologies and updates in the industry. This year's conference will be opened by head of Serbian police CERT team who will present its case study of latest threats of cybercrime in Serbia and how they managed to deal with it.

Other areas of work include encryption, privacy information management, vulnerability management, infrastructure security, video surveillance protection and forensics, strengthening IT security of Serbian government and many more.

The conference will feature numerous hands-on workshops so that all attendees will be able to not only get updates from latest threats and prevention measures, but also firsthand practical knowledge which can be immediately applied in their everyday work.


Participation fee: 450 EUR
- 3-5 tickets: 10% off
- 6 and more tickets: 20% off